mardi 3 février 2009

I'm melting, I'm melting

So, Jean Yves has fallen a little sick again: this time an ear infection from our snorkeling trip. The phramacist gave him antibiotics and ear drops, but after 10 earlier days of antibiotics, he's not taking too well to them. After the last few days of sweltering, crushing heat, toast, rice soup and rehydration salts, tomorrow I think Im going to bust the budget and move us into a hotel with AC that's a bit more comfortable than our sandy outdoor shack, to give our bodies a chance to get a bit stronger. My stomach had a difficult time last night with the panang fish curry!

By staying on this island, yes, we've escaped drunken frat boy partying of the bigger beaches, but everything is more expensive and more rustic, so we're paying the same thing here for a shack that we paid in Phuket for AC with hot water, TV and a fridge! And all those lovely brochures and pictures on travel web sites, that does exist, but you have to pay 35 euros a night, at that's our daily budget. So at the moment I confess to frustration: sleeping in a shack and dying of the heat on a relatively ugly beach was not the beach vacation nor the honeymoon I had hoped for. We could go somewhere else, but where? The farther you go from big islands, the more expensive it gets, exclusive resort-like. To move far would use up lots of money and time. Oh well, perhaps I'll go get an ice cream, wait for the heat to pass, and think about it.


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